Sunday 29 May 2016

What Are The 8 Branches Of Ayurveda

Eight branches of Ayurveda
Ayurveda, a Sanskrit word consisting of two words, ayus, which means “life” and veda, which means “science”, so Ayurveda literally means “science of life.” This is a traditional medical system that originated in the Indian subcontinent. It’s been a very popular and influential system of medicine in all of South Asia. The earliest literature of this system of traditional medicine is said to have appeared during the Vedic period in India. The most influential of these literatures Ayurveda was the Sushruta Samhita and the Charaka Samhita. Ayurveda is said to be a fully developed art medicine with a number of unique and exclusive medical therapies and surgical procedures to treat various ailments and diseases.

Eight branches of Ayurveda

Ayurveda, a broad science is divided into eight branches, which are collectively referred to as Ashtanga Ayurveda. Like any other modern drug therapy, Ayurveda believes in the specialized treatment of various body parts. Thus, the medical art are classified under the branches that have to do with psychiatry, internal medicine, treatment of the eyes, ears, nose, throat and head, toxicology and gerentorology separately. Ayurveda is the first system of medicine each time to categorize pediatric surgery aphrodisiac and as medicinal branches of any science.
1.Vajikaran: ( The word Vaji means Horse) This branch deals with virility and offspring. Sex is an important aspect of life and this branch deals with pleasure and satisfaction of sex. There is an indication of the variety of medications and even aphrodisiac food material. To produce the best offspring is also an important aspect of life. Infertility is a problem and this branch deals with these cases as well.
2.Shalyaroga chikitsa:(The word Shalya  means foreign body & roga means  disease) This branch deals with the diseases that are caused by a foreign body like an arrow or a sword, etc. This is actually a branch surgery, where the disease due to external trauma are treated surgically. This has a wider application in war. Now a day the accident injuries are treated by this branch. The characterization manufactured by different types of tools such as scalp,scissors,holders, etc. is really amazing. Sushrutacharya also describes the various operations, such as stone urine, hemorrhoids, fistulas, cataracts, even holes in the abdomen. Sushruta has been accepted as the father of the “plastic surgery”. A different type of surgery known as “Ksharsutra” is more useful in ‘the fistula in the anus.
3. Kayachikitsa:(The word  Chikitsa means treatment) Here, the meaning of Kaya is Agni, which is the digestive fire and treatment based on this Agni is called as Kayachikitsa.This is really the overall management and covers all other branches as well. Basically, Agni is responsible for the conversion of food into the body elements. Diseases arise from malfunction of the Agni and therefore, if the Agni is set right again, then the patients get cured. Therefore, all treatment in Ayurveda is based on the concept of Agni. The texts are elaborate description of various diseases such as Jwara (fever), Pandu (anemia), ATIS (diarrhea), so everything has been general practice covered in this particular branch.
4. Graharoga chikitsa: There are mythological tales about demons, meaning grahas. This branch deals with the diseases caused by demons such. The branch is not much in practice today and require research.
5.Balaroga Chikitsa (Pediatrics): ( The word Bala Roga means Child disease) This branch deals with diseases of children. He has separated himself, because children need special type of treatment. The doses are low and the drugs also must be strong, no. There is another peculiarity of Ayurveda emphasizes that breast milk to feed babies, and yet another important factor is, if the milk is not suitable in quality may also produce illness in the baby and therefore needs to be purified by certain herbs to treat the child.
6.Urdhvanga Roga Chikitsa: (The word Urdhvang means upper body like  head and neck region) This branch deals with diseases that are associated with head and neck. The branch is also called “Shalakaya Tantra.” Due to the use of special type of instrument called as “Shalako”. Ear, Nose, Throat diseases and illnesses related to eye and head are treated in this branch in particular.
7.Roga Chikitsa Danshtra : (The word Danshtra means tooth) This particular branch deals with the treatment of poisons. Poisons can be directed to the animals, plants or derivatives oriented minerals. Texts are elaborate description of different snake bites, scorpion stings, etc with their symptoms and treatment.
8. Jara Chikitsa:(The word Jara means Aging) This branch is also known as Rasayana activity means younger. This branch deals with diseases associated with aging. In reality, provides a means to prohibit the aging process to some extent. Using this branch rejuvenation of body tissues is possible according to Ayurveda . This branch should be noted more for increased longevity and quality of life.
According to Ayurveda when a patient approaches to Ayurgruham (hospitals) he will be diagnosed, by detailed clinical examination and checking the symptoms of the diseases. Once the diagnosis is made the patient will be given treatment under any one of the following eight branches. These eight branches are well planned for the treatment for any disease classically.
It is really amazing to see that the most of the sophisticated healing therapies of this modern world were even practice before an Edison threw light on this dark world. This is probably the best example to prove the supremacy of this age old medicinal science and its acumen in treating mankind.

Image Credit :Sukadev Bretz


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