Sunday 29 May 2016

Tridosha System | Fundamental of Ayurveda working

Earth + Air + Fire + Water + Spirit
The Elements and Ayurveda
According to Ashtang Ayurveda, the body is made up of five elements Ether, Air, Fire,Water and Land. These elements give rise to the three bodily humors or the three doshas called as Vata, Pitta and Kapha. These three govern all physical and mental functions of the body. To maintain good health and vitality, and to protect the body from foreign invasion, a balance of three doshas is a vital necessity. Derived from the Panchmahabhutas, the doshas can not be perceived with the senses but their qualities can be. Each dosha is a combination of two of the five Panchmahabhootas bhutas of the predominance of one. Since these three doshas are responsible for all the physiological and psychological processes in the body and mind, which may explain all physical activities, the characteristic ability, mental, physical energy, thoughts and the emotional tendency of human beings people.
Ayurveda states that the structural aspect of the human body consists of five elements, however, the functional feature of the body is composed of three biological humors. While the Ether and air together form Vata personality, which is the combination of fire and water to form pitta constitution and the unification of the ground water and thus forms kapha constitution. These are the governing physical therapy and biological changes also mark the patho physiological changes in the body. Therefore, when the three doshas are the balance of the body remains healthy. According to Charaka, the great ayurvedic doshas Vata, Pitta and Kapha maintain the integrity of the living human organism in its normal state and combine to make man a complete being with his indriyas (knows as sense organs) that has the strength, good complexion and safety of the longevity of life.When the body suffers from an imbalance within the three doshas, illness is caused. Seeing as the smartest Dosha in the charter that typically has the finest inclination to increase, to the most vulnerable to diseases associated with it.

The 3 Doshas

1.”Vata”: is the fusion of space and air.
2.”Pitta”: is the combination of fire and water.
3.”Kapha” : is the combination of water and land.

All About the 3 Doshas

The interaction of these fluids determines the health conditions and the characteristic attributes of a person. A perfect balance of these is reflected in the health and positive growth, while an excess or “vriddhi” and a deficiency or result “ksaya” a disease.
“Doshas” is all encompassing, subtle presence. That exist in every cell, tissue and organ. Therefore, the matrix of life-the seed of the male sperm and eggs of the female egg contain vata-pitta-kapha. A lifestyle, eating habits and the influence of the attitude of vata-pitta-kapha. These characteristics of the father and the mother mold of genetics in the offspring.
Vata controls the mobility and is played by the nervous system. Pitta is the principle of biotransformation and the generator of all metabolic processes in the body. Kapha is associated with cohesion and the channeling of body fluids.
The variation in the permutations and combinations of these “doshas” and different dominant qualities (Gunas) create a single “Prakriti” or Nature or the physiological structure of each human.This distinguishes a man from another.

Vata Personality Type:

Vata, the first of the three doshas is composed of the elements earth and air. Responsible for whole body movements and activities of the mind as blood circulation, breathing, speech, sensation, hearing, touch, excretion, natural urges, the formation of fetal sex , retention, and the feeling of fear, anxiety, pain and excitement. In summary, most of the physical phenomena associated with the nervous system of humans can be identified with Vata. People of vata constitution are generally physically underdeveloped breasts flat with prominent veins and tendons of the muscle. The complexion is brown, the skin is cold, rough, dry and cracked. Vata people tend to be too high or too low. Physiologically, the appetite and digestion are variable. Vata people loves sweet, sour, salty and as hot drinks. The production of urine is scanty and the feces are dry and hard and small in quantity. They have a tendency to sweat less and sleep less than other types of incorporation. Psychologically, are characterized by short memory but quick receptability. They have little willpower, tend toward mental insecurity and have little tolerance for confidence or boldness. The imbalance of vata dosha can lead to a wide range of complications such as worry, anxiety, chronic fatigue, insomnia, poor weight gain, constipation, dry skin, mental confusion, impulsivity and rapid speech and disconnected.

Pitta Personality Type:

Pitta, the second of the three doshas comes from fire and is responsible for digestion, thirst, hunger, temperature control, vision, smoothness and brightness, the intellect, the joy and vigor sexual. People of pitta constitution are of medium height, thin, delicate veins frame.The body, muscles and tendons are not as prominent as in vata people. These people have a skin that can be coppery, yellowish, reddish or fair. The skin is soft, warm and less wrinkled than vata skin. Physiologically, these people have a metabolic system capable of good digestion and a strong appetite. The person of pitta constitution usually takes large amounts of food and liquids. Pitta types have a natural desire for sweet, bitter and caustic and enjoy cold drinks. Although medium duration, sleep is not interrupted. They produce a large volume of urine and feces are yellow, liquid, soft and plentiful. There is a tendency to slightly elevated body temperature by sweating. Psychologically, pitta people have a broad power and tend to possess the intelligence and sharp intelligence. The pitta dosha imbalance signs are impatience, digestive problems, vision impairment, a trend that try too hard to achieve goals, and many more.

 Kapha Personality Type:

Kapha, the third of the three doshas comes from the basic elements of earth and water, and represents all the solid structures of the body. He is responsible for the strength, unity, the weight, strength, the indulgence of sexual potency, and restrictions. People of kapha constitution have well-developed bodies and, of course, a strong tendency to overweight. The veins, tendons and bones are not important, but the development of muscles is good.These people have fair skin and bright, with smooth skin and bright.
Physiologically, kapha have a normal appetite. However, due to the slow digestion, tend to consume less food. They are fond of spicy, bitter and astringent. The stools are soft, pale and its elimination is a slow process. They enjoy the sound and prolonged sleep.Their perspiration is moderate. These people show a strong vital capacity with good resistance. As far as memory is concerned receptability have slow but prolonged susceptibility. Signs of imbalance include kapha dosha ailments such as nausea, lethargy and relaxation of the limbs, inertia, boredom, laziness and many more.
These three doshas are interrelated and interdependent and constantly changing in this ever-changing universe.
Image Credit :Ursula


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