Sunday 29 May 2016

Health Benefits Of Asafoetida

Health Benefits Of Asafoetida
Health Benefits Of Asafoetida
Asafoetida, a gum, which is a perennial plant botanically called as received from the Ferull afoetida. Hing is the common name for the gum.It is widely spices, which is known for its strong pungent smell is used.The yellow brown in color. The many curries and spicy mix as a flavoring used in making pickles and is even. It also has some medicinal properties different recipes adding a unique flavor.
Asafetida a traditional Ayurvedic medicine in India and Eastern countries, as has been used. It is known to many medicinal properties posses. It has been used as an antispasmodic agent. It mainly dyspepsia, gastritis, such as is used in the treatment of stomach troubles, and flatulence. It relieves stomach and abdominal pain helps release gas from the close. It is applied as water-based mixture abdominal pain and abdominal distension to get rid of.The quick relief form flatulence when taken orally along with buttermilk offers. Many of the herbal digestive tonic is used as an important component. Hingwashtak Churna also a key component along with many other herbal ingredients as is. It also helps to improve appetite and digestion.

Medicinal Uses Of Asafoetida

Asafoetida is used in the treatment of respiratory tract infections and also  used in the treatment of cough. The release of chest congestion and cough relief helps. It is mainly for the treatment of whooping cough and bronchitis is organized as a home remedy.
It also treat patients with asthma and wheezing problems helps. This usually like other herbal blend honey, dried ginger, onion juice, basil and the juice is made with betel nut juice. Ayurvedic medicine suggests several combinations. But the combinations that are effective for an individual to be determined after several tests. Several combinations be anything appropriate or effective for some individuals.
The treatment of small babies and children who do not accumulate to cough to expel provides great relief. For the treatment of whooping cough, Hing roasted with a little bit of ghee and taken with meals.
Asafetida may also be useful in the treatment of impotence is suggested.Asafetida roasted with honey is taken with the morning on empty stomach for a period of 2 months banyan tree extract. The treatment for women irregular menses, menstrual cramps and pain and also helpful in treating leucorrhoea menstrual problems as well as beneficial are considered. It is also often used in the treatment of abortion and childbirth in women problems.
The lactating mothers for their good health as an essential component in the diet is. Asafetida also help prevent tooth decay is due to toothaches. Some Ayurvedic medicinal preparation that is used as a tranquilizer.
Image Credit :Ravi Dhingra


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