Sunday 29 May 2016

Gurukul system of Ayurveda

Gurukul system of Ayurveda
Gurukul system of Ayurveda
Ayurveda, which literally means science of life, is the ancient Indian discipline of holistic treatment and way of life.Ayurveda Kerala practitioners had yogi like celebrity in Ayurveda Kerala society.The practice of Ayurveda would take a man about 30 years to complete, under the careful guidance of an experienced physician. It is also noted that a drug or a method of treatment for every disease in Ayurveda.
Kerala Ayurveda has now literally means treatment would result in an ayurvedic spa Ayurvedic or resource in the areas of lakes, mountains and beaches. There are also many Ayurvedic hospital Kerala where Ayurvedic physicians, who have passed from the Faculty of Medicine Ayurvedic practice.
Ayurvedic treatments strictly to the rules established by the ancient Ayurvedic researchers. Ayurveda methods include medication, massage and external application of medicines. Kerala Ayurveda practitioners would tell you that all illnesses – both physical and mental – are caused due to imbalances in the natural physical state. There are three states that you need to keep in balance, Satva, Rajas and Tamas. The diet that we have the power to influence the natural physical conditions of a person.
During treatment, you also need to follow rigid ayurvedic diet to get all the benefits of treatment.Finding Ayurvedic centers in Kerala is not a big issue. There are Kerala government recognized treatment centers, where you can spend time with rejuvenation therapy, Marma Chikitsa (massage specialist) or calm your nervous system with a gentle “dhara.
In the early days after conception, the system of Ayurvedic medicine was orally transferred via the Gurukul system until a script came into being.
In this system, the Guru gave a solemn speech to the students to a life of chastity, honesty, and vegetarianism. The student went to fight with all his being to heal the sick. I was not going to betray patients for his own benefit. He was obliged to dress modestly and avoid alcohol or drugs. That would be collected and self-control, measured in speech at all times. He was to constantly improve their knowledge and technical skills. In the patient’s home, which was to be polite and modest, directing all attention to the welfare of the patient. There was to disseminate knowledge on the patient and his family. If the patient was incurable, that would keep this in itself was likely to harm the patient or others.
The normal duration of the student’s training appears to have been seven years. In advance graduation, the scholar had to pass a test. But the doctor was to continue to learn through texts, direct observation (pratyaksha), and through inference (anumana).The Vaidyas attended several meetings where knowledge was exchanged. Professionals also became aware of unusual remedies from laypeople who were outside the community as a mountain huffsteter, pastoralists and forest dwellers.
Image Credit :Paramyoga India


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