Sunday 29 May 2016

Allergy Treatment In Ayurveda

Ayurveda Allergy Cure
Ayurveda Allergy Cure
Ayurveda, the antediluvian Indian science of life, has various great suggestions for seasonal allergy sufferers who would like to exterminate the root source of symptoms. The formula lies in the coupling between the gut and the immune system. When digestive and metabolites activities process in synch with riddance, the body can rid itself of toxins, that could in other respects block the channels to deliver a variety of allergic reaction symptoms.In healthy bodies inhaled pollen, and dust are captured by the mucosal lining of the respiratory tract and either evacuated forcefully through the mouth or nostrils, or burst down internally. When the insulating ability of this mucosal barrier isweakened the body neutralizes by increasing the production of mucus to ease the expulsion of the allergen. This is followed by further common allergy signs and instantly even simple activities like breathing become difficult.
In Ayurveda, there are various ways to manipulate this, varying from pacification therapies to deep full body detoxification and purification. In spite of the fact, that detoxification takes a little longer about several weeks to months, relying on the type dhosas, it is the suggested line of handling for those looking to relieve themselves of symptoms.
The medication involves one or more of the five “Pancha” Karma procedure, that systematically removes toxins from the deep tissues and safely banishes them from the body. Its specialty lies in the utilization of medicated fat usually “ghee” to bind toxins, that is the root cause for all kinds of allergies, containing respiratory, digestive, skin allergies and even auto-immune disorders.

Ayurvedic Allergy Treatment for Vata

Vata type of allergy is more common in the fall, especially in the changing seasons, when vata is most vulnerable. Aggravating factors include mold,dust,cold,wind,and dryness. Vata Typical symptoms such as gas and bloating, abdominal discomfort, intestinal cramps, tinnitus, and insomnia may be present with wheezing, sneezing, runny nose and dry cough. In cases in which there mucus affects breathing and more generally less constriction of the bronchial tree. Vata is prone to digestive irregularity, which can lead to food intolerance, especially toward foods that cause vata, as gas forming foods, including legumes larger as black, pinto, or garbanzo beans, and Brassica family vegetables such as cabbage, broccoli and cauliflower, especially when eaten raw.
For vata types of allergies should avoid eating foods that cause vata. While cooked and seasoned, then you may have some in moderation, provided they do not disturb the digestion. Nightshade vegetables such as potatoes, tomatoes, peppers and eggplants can also aggravate vata allergies when consumed regularly, so eating in moderation and avoid them during attacks. Cold foods and drinks and dried or dehydrated foods also cause cold qualities, vata dry and rough. It is essential to rest and do not skip meals and become weak or underweight, as this will affect your immunity.

Ayurvedic Diet For Vata

1.Take ginger ginger tea or liquid mixture in a bowl with pure honey and lick it. (Do not eat it, lick the plate, which is as it should pass through the mouth)
2.Breathe sesame oil deeply into each nostril of the nose a couple of times a day

Ayurvedic Allergy Treatment forPitta

Pitta allergies manifest themselves more in the skin and are worse during warm weather, especially in late summer. If exposed to allergens such as chemicals (especially those with a strong odor), ragweed, house dust, or synthetic fabrics, this can cause Pitta dosha to move to the surface due to diffusion, heat , and strong qualities, causing hives, eye rash, hives, burning red, yellow mucus, fever, headaches, allergic types of dermatitis, eczema and psoriasis, all of which are in the nature of fire.
For pitta type of allergies, it is important to avoid eating sour foods, acids and fermented, spicy foods, cheeses, excess salt, heavy and fatty meats, fried foods, vinegars, spirits and wine. Acidic foods such as citrus or strawberries are common triggers of food-related allergies pitta. To keep Pitta in balance, it is important to remain calm. The exercise only during the best times of the day, take cold showers, especially during the warm seasons. Balanced meals and get snacks when needed will help keep your appetite satisfied strong and balanced.

Ayurvedic Diet For Pitta

1.Eat neem leaves or any medicine made from neem leaves.
2.Pure coconut oil is another good remedy for allergies. Breathe deeply coconut oil in each nostril once or twice for a few days.
3.If possible Neem sometimes drink tea leaves couple days.
4.Drink hot milk with a mixture of half tea spoon turmeric in it. It is better to drink milk after turmeric

Ayurvedic Allergy Treatment Kapha

Kapha allergies are caused by fungi and in the spring, when all the plants and trees are pollinating and the dense, moist kapha, cold starts to melt and flow into the body. They are characterized by clumsiness and heaviness in general, and mucous membrane irritation, cough, colds and congestion profuse white or clear, repeated sinus infections and asthma.
To manage these conditions is crucial to remove excess of sweet, sour and salty, cold drinks, foods, and desserts from your diet. Staying active during the day, eat light, easily digestible meals and vigorous daily exercise is needed to keep kapha within a healthy range. It is also important to avoid cold drinks and sip hot water throughout the day to support energy metabolism and prevent the accumulation of toxins. Using heating and cooking spices black pepper, fenugreek, ginger, turmeric, bay leaves, cardamom, cinnamon and mustard seeds can help digest starches and proteins, and prevent the accumulation of toxins that can contribute to the cause of the allergies. Drink ginger tea, either before, during or after meals stimulates agni, improves digestion and burns toxins.

Ayurvedic Diet For Kapha

1.After each meal, drink a glass of warm water mixed with half a teaspoon of licorice (Jethi Madhu).
2.Take half teaspoon honey with sitopladi three times a day, it should be done on an empty stomach
3.Follow a liquid diet one day a week. Eat mostly fruits and vegetables that are juicy and liquefied.
Ayurvedic medicine has also found that removing allergens from your body will help to relieve the symptoms associated with chronic fatigue syndrome. If you are patient with other chronic allergic symptoms as well, you should see a doctor. The practitioner designing a proper medicine and diet.
Image Credit:Dimitry Rabkin


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