Sunday 29 May 2016

Health Benefits Of Arjuna Herb

Health Benefits Of Arjuna Herb
Health Benefits Of Arjuna Herb
Arjuna is a medicinal plant, which has been used for auyrvedic medicinal preparations for many thousand years. It is a deciduous tree, which grows above 60 feet height, and it is found abundantly in Indian subcontinent. The main parts of the tree, which is used for medicinal purposes, are the bark of the stem. It can be used in powder form or as extract. The extract of the bark of Terminalia Arjuna contain substances such as tannins, terpenoid saponins such as arjunic acid, arjunolicacid,  arjungenin , Flavinoids, Phytosterols, calcium, magnesium, copper and zinc.holesterol regulating properties- The extract obtained from the bark of Arjuna has known to induce a Hypolipidemic effect in the body. The extract promotes the removal of cholesterol by increasing the cholesterol metabolism by the liver. I t enhances the removal of the bad cholesterol or the LDL cholesterol by preventing its oxidation. Further it lowers the beta- lipoprotein lipids. It suppresses the cholesterol biosynthesis in the liver .It also improves the HDL cholesterol levels in the blood hereby providing a healthy lipid profile. It also helps to lower hypertension due to its Hypolipidemic effect. Arjuna also helps to maintain healthy phospholipid and tri glyceride levels in the blood.
Arjuna helps in strengthening of the heart muscles and maintaining healthy functioning of the heart. The bark of Arjuna is used especially in the treatment of heart diseases such as ischemic heart disease, angina, and myocardial infarction and in disturbed cardiac rhythm. It helps to reduce the effects of stress on the heart and also helps to regulate blood pressure. It also enhance the activity of prostaglandin. I t has a mild astringent and heamostatic properties.
The bark of Arjuna also shows coronary risk factor modulating properties. Arjuna has been chiefly used as a cardio protective medicine in ayurvedic treatments. The bark of Arjuna also has mild diuretic properties. It is also used in treatment of liver cirrhosis.The bark of Arjuna is also used in the treatment of Congestive heart failure. More than 40% of the patients showed marked improvement after treatment with Arjuna.
It is also used in the treatment of congestive cardiac failure due to chronic bronchitis and many patients were relieved by this treatment. Arjuna is also useful to treat symptomatic complaints of stress and hypertension. I t is useful to treat giddiness, headache,lack of concentration and sleeplessness.
The bark of Arjuna also reduces bleeding and blood coagulation and prothrombin time. Arjuna has been used for treating patients recovering from heart attacks to prevent any further episodes. I t can be used for prolonged period of time without any side effects. It can be used on regular basis for maintaining healthy functioning of the heart. Arjuna is also to .reverse the hardening of the arterial wall.
Various ayurvedic preparations of this drug is available in the market. I t is chiefly available in the form of powder and the drug mixture is usually taken in the concoction form. The preparation of the mixture is relatively simple. The powder is boiled along with milk and water until it is reduced to half the amount and then it is taken on empty stomach. This type of mixture was found to be more effective than ready made capsules.
Image Credit :Shaista Ahmad

Holy Basil Tulsi Health Benefits

Holy Basil Tulsi Health Benefits
Holy Basil Tulsi Health Benefits
Holy basil (Ocimum sanctum) is an herbaceous plant native to India. It is known as tulsi. It is devotional in the Hindu religious tradition and is considered as one of the most significant plants used in Ayurvedic medicine. In India, you will see holy basil growing in plenty around Hindu temples and will find in most of the Hindu home. It comes in red and green types, both with a strong, charming aroma. Holy basil has been used for centuries to deal with a variety of medical conditions.Here’re  some of the medicinal uses of tulsi.

1.Holy Basil For Stress

Basil leaves are considered as an ‘adaptogen’ or anti-stress substitute. The latest studies have shown that the leaves produce relevant protection against stress. Even healthy persons can chew 12 leaves of basil, twice a day, to avoid stress. It cleans blood and helps prevent several common elements.

2.Holy Basil For Eye Care

Basil’s juice is a capable remedy for sore eyes and night-blindness, that is in general caused by lack of vitamin A. One can get the best result by use of two drops of black basil juice into the eyes everyday at bedtime.

3.Holy Basil For Memory

The tulsi plant has many medicinal properties. The leaves are a nerve tonic and also sharpen memory. They promote the removal of the phlegm and catarrhal matter from the bronchial tube. The leaves strengthen the stomach and induce copious perspiration. The seed of the plant are mucilaginous.

4.Holy Basil For Headaches

Basil performs a good therapeutic for headache. A decoction of the leaves can be a presumption for this disorder. Pounded leaves mixed with sandalwood paste can also be applied on the forehead for receiving relief from heat, headache, and for providing coolness in an overall.

5.Holy Basil For Teeth Disorders

The herb is effective in teeth disorders. Its leaves, dried in the sun and powdered, can be used for rubbing teeth. It can also be blended with mustered oil to make a paste and used as toothpaste. This is remarkably good for taking care of dental health, neutralizing bad breath and for massaging the gums. It is also effective in pyorrhea and other teeth disarrays.

6.Holy Basil For Acne

Propionibacterium acne is one of the bacteria that is responsible for acne. Acne is an infuriating condition that often carries on. Since holy basil has anti-microbial properties, it could be able to treat acne. Holy basil displays high activity towards Propionibacterium acne. It is therefore, possible that holy basil may be an appropriate healing for acne.
Image credit:Dinesh Valke

Black Cardamom

Black Cardamom
Black Cardamom
Black cardamom a sibling to the slightly more commonly found and simply named cardamom is found mainly in Southern India and Nepal, where it is to found growing wild alongside many pathways.The cardamom plant is a root with pods full of seeds, black cardamom being the longest and thus more productive and has many positives properties and usages. It is more commonly found in food and medicines in the modern world, however the Romans and Ancient Greeks crushed it down and fermented it into a particularly pungent perfume, whilst the Egyptians of the same era chewed and used it as a toothpick.
But however you apply it it is certain that black cardamom will provide the function you are prescribing for it.

Uses of cardamom

Within cooking the pod is squeezed until the seeds ooze out and are applied as such to the culinary dish and in this fashion, in a raw and natural state, it is added to and greatly enlivens things such as pulses.More commonly though it is fried or braised in a pan  of boiling oil and left as a flavoring or compound for a main ingredient, very often  this will be a curry or a rice dish, to be added to and is mixed for as long as is desirable
According to personal taste or the recipe.Black Cardamom has been around since the very earliest times and its presence is felt and stretches beyond its native Asian origins and has been widely exported, we certainly know that the Ancient Greeks and Romans used it, for almost all of time and as it has spread itself around the world this slightly odd pod with its neutral tasting seeds have been adapted into cuisines around the globe. For instance black cardamom is a major component in Dutch “windmill” biscuits and is also found featuring prominently in many Scandinavian cakes and patisseries and in Russian Liquors.It is also used to flavor mulled wine and as preservative for articles such as pickles and herrings.

Dual effects of Black cardamom

Though it has to be said that Black Cardamom serves more of an herbal supplement in cooking than it does for medicinal  purposes, it is still prescribed as a medicine.Again like its culinary presence it tends to be a background noise, acting as a compound or a key component in a concoction rather than be a prescribed medicine in its own right, it does still find itself being often used for medical purposes, especially as an aid to cleanse the stomach area of blockages and as a combat for flatuance and indigestion.Whilst on a similar note ancient Indians believed it to be a cure for obesity when eaten raw.Its most common solo act is as an ancient Arabian aphrodisiac and whilst nobody can absolutely vouch for its potency many have had at least fun trying to prove it!!
Image credit  : Sajan Subedi

Health Benefits Of Indian Gooseberry Or Amla

Health Benefits Of Indian Gooseberry Or Amla
Health Benefits Of Indian Gooseberry Or Amla
Amla or Indian gooseberry also known as Emblica officinalis is the tree found mainly in India.This plant belongs to the family Euphorbiaceae. The fruit of this plant is round shaped with vertical stripes. It is greenish yellow in color and tastes sour.Amla tree is found in all parts of India. It is generally 20-30 ft. high. Its bark is rough and brownish in colour. It has regular branches, bluish yellow flowers, small leaves like that of the Imli (tamarind) tree. Its fruit is round and greenish yellow in colour with six segments and a hard seed inside. Among all the varieties that are available, the best is Kalami for its fruit has lot of pulp, very small seed and is comparatively less sour and bitter in taste than others. It is especially good for making jams, pickles, chutneys etc. The fruit is fibrous in nature. The fruit is sometimes eaten along with salt. Amla is rich in natural vitamin C. This fruit is used as the main ingredient in the ayurvedic tonic Chyavanprash. It is also used along with several other herbs as an ayurvedic tonic.

Health Benefits Of Indian Gooseberry

1.Diabetes: Gooseberry contains chromium, which has a therapeutic value in diabetics. Indian Gooseberry or Amla stimulates the isolated group of cells that cover up the hormone insulin. Thus, it lowers blood sugar in a diabetic patient.
2.Heart disease: Gooseberry fortifies heart muscle, which helps heart pump’s blood flawless throughout the body.
3.Improving appetite: Consuming Gooseberry powder with butter and honey ahead a meal enhances appetite. It aids in balancing nitrogen level and hence increases weight in a healthy way.
4.Eye care: Taking Gooseberry juice is excellent for improving eyesight. It betters nearsightedness and cataract. It decreases intraocular strain.
5.Infection: Due to its antibacterial drug properties and astringent characteristics, the Indian Gooseberry safeguards against infection. It rectifies body resistance.
6.Anti aging: Amla prevents health-related hyperlipidaemia through reducing the oxidative stress in the ageing procedure.
7.Diarrhea and dysentery: Due to its intense cooling and laxative property’s gooseberry is effective remedies for diarrhea and dysentery. It has a considerable relief for gastric symptoms and hyperchlorhydria, which is referred to burning sensation in an abdomen.
8.Hair care :Amla is used in lots of hair tonics. It improves hair growth and hair pigmentation. It strengthens source of hair, takes care of color and luster. Eating fresh fruit or applying its paste on hair roots rectifies hair growth and color. Amla oil is highly popular in India as it serves as a highly good hair growth booster thereby preventing hair loss.
The fresh fruit contains more than 80% water, protein, minerals, carbohydrates and fiber. It is as well used as antidotes for fever, liver disorder, indigestion, anemia, urinary problems, respiratory problems, intellectual, gastro and cardiovascular illness. Gooseberry lowers a cholesterol level. It raises red blood cell production and fortifies teeth and nails. So the Indian gooseberry or Amla as a fresh fruit or juice or in a dried type is much excellent for your health.
image credits :Manakkil Vypin

Health Benefits Of Asafoetida

Health Benefits Of Asafoetida
Health Benefits Of Asafoetida
Asafoetida, a gum, which is a perennial plant botanically called as received from the Ferull afoetida. Hing is the common name for the gum.It is widely spices, which is known for its strong pungent smell is used.The yellow brown in color. The many curries and spicy mix as a flavoring used in making pickles and is even. It also has some medicinal properties different recipes adding a unique flavor.
Asafetida a traditional Ayurvedic medicine in India and Eastern countries, as has been used. It is known to many medicinal properties posses. It has been used as an antispasmodic agent. It mainly dyspepsia, gastritis, such as is used in the treatment of stomach troubles, and flatulence. It relieves stomach and abdominal pain helps release gas from the close. It is applied as water-based mixture abdominal pain and abdominal distension to get rid of.The quick relief form flatulence when taken orally along with buttermilk offers. Many of the herbal digestive tonic is used as an important component. Hingwashtak Churna also a key component along with many other herbal ingredients as is. It also helps to improve appetite and digestion.

Medicinal Uses Of Asafoetida

Asafoetida is used in the treatment of respiratory tract infections and also  used in the treatment of cough. The release of chest congestion and cough relief helps. It is mainly for the treatment of whooping cough and bronchitis is organized as a home remedy.
It also treat patients with asthma and wheezing problems helps. This usually like other herbal blend honey, dried ginger, onion juice, basil and the juice is made with betel nut juice. Ayurvedic medicine suggests several combinations. But the combinations that are effective for an individual to be determined after several tests. Several combinations be anything appropriate or effective for some individuals.
The treatment of small babies and children who do not accumulate to cough to expel provides great relief. For the treatment of whooping cough, Hing roasted with a little bit of ghee and taken with meals.
Asafetida may also be useful in the treatment of impotence is suggested.Asafetida roasted with honey is taken with the morning on empty stomach for a period of 2 months banyan tree extract. The treatment for women irregular menses, menstrual cramps and pain and also helpful in treating leucorrhoea menstrual problems as well as beneficial are considered. It is also often used in the treatment of abortion and childbirth in women problems.
The lactating mothers for their good health as an essential component in the diet is. Asafetida also help prevent tooth decay is due to toothaches. Some Ayurvedic medicinal preparation that is used as a tranquilizer.
Image Credit :Ravi Dhingra

Bitter Melon Diabetes Mellitus Ayurvedic Cure

Bitter Melon Diabetes Mellitus Ayurvedic Cure
Bitter Melon Diabetes Mellitus Ayurvedic Cure
Bitter Melon bitter gourd is commonly called as (Karela ) in all over India it is vegetable. This vegetable is green in color and tapering ends. It is covered with blunt tubercles. The vegetable bitter gourd is a very bitter taste and hence the name. The two varieties, dark green variety and is available in rectangular pale green variety. It is grown widely in all Asian countries.Bitter gourd has many medicinal properties. It mainly is used as an appetite stimulant. It appetizer, antipathetic, and as a laxative as antibiotics used. Particularly bitter as is an anti-diabetic medication. Research studies have shown that bitter gourd in the hypoglycemic principles involved and thus it helps to reduce blood sugar levels like insulin does. This vegetable is popular called as plant insulin.
The vegetables should be included liberally in the diet of diabetics. Empty stomach for diabetics to take the vegetable juice is advised for better results. In the seeds of bitter gourd curry Indian food preparation is as a condiment. lectins antilipolytic and lipogenic Present in bitter gourd have proved helpful in controlling blood sugar levels bitter type 2 or adult onset diabetes in patients has been.

Bitter Melon Medicinal properties

The vegetable have 92% humidity does not contain any fat. It contains 4.2% 1.8% carbohydrates and protein. To maintain the good health provides many other essential minerals. It provides 88mg calcium, 20mg phosphorus, and iron 1.8 mg.

Top 7 Uses Of Bitter Melon

1.Cure Diabetic: Diabetic patients who are suffering from malnutrition can be benefit from this vegetable. It also helps reduce other symptoms related to diabetes and helps increase the body’s immunity.
2.Improve Eye Sight:It is also useful in the treatment of eye complications.
3.Cure Hemorrhoids :Bitter gourd juice also helps in the treatment of hemorrhoids. The plant’s roots paste when applied externally for hemorrhoids relief of pain and swelling allows.
4.Blood Purifier :Bitter gourd juice help the purifying blood. The itching, psoriasis, herpes infection treatment helps, and other fungal infections. It also helps reduce itching stimulus.
5.Improve Blood Disorder: When the juice taken on empty stomach in the morning with lime juice gives beneficial treatment.
6.Cure Asthma :Bitter gourd plant also helps in the treatment of respiratory diseases. The diagnosis of asthma, bronchitis pharyngitis, and rhinitis is. The root of the plant with equal amounts of honey is used as a paste and is taken once before bed. The treatment for a month can give excellent treatment against respiratory disorders.
7.Prevent liver Damage :Leaves of bitter gourd juice also helps to prevent liver damage due to alcohol. Bitter gourd juice of leaves is used in the treatment of cholera. It also accelerated treatment of diarrhea during the summer to give. To the bitter grapefruit may be useful in cancer treatment has been suggested.
Image Credit :ion-bogdan dumitrescu

Almond Benefits For Health

Almond Benefits For Health
Almond Benefits For Health
The almond is a small ephemeral tree, which generally growing about 4–10 meters in height, having a trunk spread about 30 centimeters in diameter. The young twigs are first green, and become purplish when exposed to sunlight, and later becomes grey in their second year. The leaves are usually about 3–5 inches long. The flowers are about 3-5 cm and appear white to pale pink. The fruit matures in the autumn, after flowering about 7–8 months. The almond fruit sizes are about 3.5–6 cm long. The outer covering or exocarp, is a thick tough grey-green coat called the hull. Insidethe hull, there is a reticulated hard woody shell called as endocarp. Inside the shell is the edible seed, usually called a nut.
Almond is known as Badam in Hindi, which are outstanding and easily present   alternative  protein food for strict vegetarians. Almonds can be used raw, made milk from it and besides oil is used on skin and in food too. There ate two types of Almonds bitter and sweet. Bitter ones are to be ignored as they contain a poison called prussic acid. What earns almonds so popular and favorite among people, is that they are available to all the year round. Unlike other seasonal products, people do not have to wait for a specific season to enjoy the flavor of these mouth-watering nuts. Nevertheless almonds are viable fresh and have more taste in the mid-summer.Here are some of the health benefit of eating Almond

1.Almonds increase brain power

Almonds contain phenylalanine, a brain chemical that helps promote the healthy development of our cognitive functions. So forget all the voices in your head that are saying that nuts are bad for you, and add almonds to your daily routine, like a milkshake snack at cleaning or cooking by replacing milk and Normal flour with almond milk and almond flour.

2.Eating Almonds lose weight

Almonds are what is known as a nutrient-dense food. What that means is almonds pack a lot of nutrition into a small space and that almonds can help your stomach feel full. If you feel full, you will probably eat less. That, combined with all the nutrients that provides almonds, leads to a healthier diet and improves the chances of one to lose weight.

3.Almonds cure diabetes

No, almond diet can not cure diabetes. But almonds are known to do is to level and stabilize blood sugar levels in the body, especially after eating. This means Almonds are a good food to help people with diabetes in observing sugar levels.

4.Almonds Are high In fiber

You know what I mean. Almonds are rich in natural fiber, which means that help ease the stomach and intestines. People who suffer from constipation can find benefits in eating a handful of almonds a day.

5.Almonds High In Antioxidants

Studies have shown almonds, especially the skin of almonds contain flavonoids, which acts as an antioxidant and scientists believe it helps the body to protect cells from damage.

6.Almonds Prevent Heart Disease

The Food and Drug Administration is in this case. While it has been shown that a diet rich in almonds and other nuts, is good for the heart, the FDA has officially declared that “Scientific evidence suggests but does not prove, that eating 1.5 ounces per day of most of nuts, such as almonds, as part of a diet low in saturated fat and cholesterol may reduce the risk of heart disease.

7.Raw Almonds Prevent Cancer

The fiber in almonds has a detoxifying effect. This allows the fiber to move food through the digestive system more efficiently, cleaning the system and the prevention of colon cancer. The National Cancer Institute recently published a study linking diets high in fiber with a lower risk of colon cancer.

8.Almonds Good Your Bones

Almonds also contain a fair amount of calcium, which is important for bone strength and help prevent bone-thinning disease known as osteoporosis. All this also means calcium almonds are good for stronger teeth, which are the bones.

9.Almonds Gluten Free Diet

For those who can not eat foods containing wheat, almonds are a perfect substitute. How? Almonds are usually about 25 percent carbohydrates, which means they can be crushed and used for baking cookies, biscuits and other breads. Since almonds are gluten free diet it is excellent choice for those people with sensitive to gluten or have to deal with wheat allergies.

10.Almonds Good For Blood

High blood pressure generally goes hand in hand alongside diets high in sodium and inadequate in calcium and potassium. Sodium is in general bad for the blood, and Potassium is good for the blood.Almonds are rich in potassium and low in sodium, both are factors that regulate blood pressure.
Image Credit :HealthAliciousNess